Books by weight, Mumbai

One of my earliest memories is my papa bringing home bags full of stuff. My papa always came home with full bags 😀 Foodstuffs—sweets, fruits, ice-cream, biscuits Or toys—lots & lots Or books—many colors,shapes, pictures Or other stuff like dresses, cassettes (That was way before CDs were invented). Since it’s a very early memory I can’t think words in books.

Even later, as I grew up, my papa bringing home bag full of books is one of my fondest memory. (Yeah, I have the best dad in the world 😀 ) Whenever our vacation started, I and my brother waited in anticipation of this new treasure. Toys, sweets, and other stuff last for a while; books last for a lifetime.

A child who reads has a distinct advantage over those who don’t. And the same applies for an adult. What’s the use of being literate if you aren’t going to read?

A tower of books
Image Courtesy: © Jorge Royan /, via Wikimedia Commons

Okay, so the reason I’m blabbering about books is that Books by weight is in Mumbai this month. Books by weight is a book sale where you can buy books by their weight in Kilograms (obviously 😛 ) as opposed to each book at their real price.  The collection consists of both new, and used books. I didn’t even know that you could ever get new books by weight.

Here’s the price range:

Regular Books (including fiction & non-fiction) for Rs. 100 per Kg.

Children’s books for Rs. 200 per Kg.

Premium books for Rs. 300 per Kg.

Awesome, isn’t it. Books by weight is a bibliophile’s heaven. You can just picks the books you love without worrying about your budget 🙂 The sale started on 5th March; yours truly rushed there on the first day itself. And got a great haul. Sorry for the late post. But the good news is that the last date for sale is 3rd April. See, still lots of time. Even I’ll be making a repeat visit 😀

There are two big fat sections (ahem, long long tables) for kids literature. Can you think of a better way to start the vacation? Just one small concern, one of the sections (er, tables) is broad. In fact, too broad. The only way most kids would be able to reach the middle is climbing on the table. I don’t think that this little exercise was the intention of the organisers 😉

There are also different sections (read long, broad, connected tables every time) for classics, commercial fiction (like James Patterson, Stefanie Meyers…), romance (Mills & Boon, et al) and non-fiction (academics, travel, business,cookbook, photography, etc.). The sections are neatly segregated without any overlap, so finding books is easy.

However, something is missing in Paradise—Indian authors. I didn’t find any books by Indian authors, and the organisers informed me that’s because there weren’t any. Now, this is one thing they should change. We can never have a true feeling of heaven without Desi vibes.

(I’m not sure about academics section. If any one of you did find any Indian author in there, do let me know.)

Books by Weight:


5th March 2016 to 3rd April 2016

9.a.m to 8 p.m.

Open on all days including Holidays 🙂


Shri Sunderbai Hall,

Opposite Patkar Hall, Behind Income Tax Off, Sndt Road,

Churchgate, Mumbai – 400020.

Directions: From CST station

If you’re in Mumbai, let me know about your experience 🙂

P.S: I got so lost in the books that I didn’t click any picture. *sigh That’s why only Wikimedia picture. Maybe I’ll remember to click when I visit again next week 😉

17 thoughts on “Books by weight, Mumbai

  1. When you said books by weight I got reminded of my childhood when I couldn’t afford buying brand new books so would buy it at the kabadiwala and read, nice post indeed 🙂

  2. I didn’t know we could buy books by weight also (that too new ones)! Btw, I have always taunted Saru to buy heavy books, since she finishes reading them quickly 🙂

    1. This is the first time I heard about it too.
      Bigger books have more of a story,and world building. So more enjoyment akong with more days of reading. 🙂

  3. Nothing surprising. Delhi was doing it for the last two years. I sold a lot of my books at 10 rupees a kg when I was thrown out of job by a godman last year. Those books must have been sold at 300 rupees a kg by the godman’ s agents.

    1. That’s sad. No one should have to sell their books cheaper for the reason you did.
      I had thought selling new books cheaper is always a promotional campaign.

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