Always remember my dear fellow women

Remember dear fellow women,
the reason we are here with any freedom at all are not the women who remained quiet, and let their work speak. There always were in history many such great women, but that didn’t change the fate of womanhood. What helped us are the women who made a noise, women who did not back down, who gave a tough fight to the authorities, and kept fighting even after the fight was supposedly over. They were called bitches, drama queens, radicals, and what not. They were hated by most of the society including some women. Even most of the respectable, and good leaders of their respective eras spoke against these women. But they were also admired for their tenacity and fighting spirit. The early women were not fighting someone else’s cause, but their own. People never understood why she has to continue fighting after she has already gained respect, and success. But this fighting spirit was more necessary for us than anyone realised. Because they continued fighting, the door to their field remained open, the path they followed remained accessible to the other women that came later—the tolerant women, who could never have the courage to fight that big a battle. Remember, the conformists aren’t the reason for our easy life, the rebels are. So, it is very vital that you support their struggles, even if their supposedly unnecessary fighting spirit annoys you. Stand with such a woman, even if you don’t understand her problem. Because someday, another woman, or possibly many other women of future will have an easy access to the prize, the fighter won.

© K.A. Acharya 2020

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