Tag Archives: photography

Through the window

Eiffel Tower- Through the window

My first glimpse of Eiffel tower was through the glass window. We were on the way to the Seine River Cruise. Dusk had set in; small clouds flitted through the sky. The evening shadows played with the glass to give a surreal look. This was how I saw the Eiffel tower the first time. Can you wonder that I was enthralled?

Sharing with Weekly Photo Challenge | Skywatch Friday


If you destroy a bridge, be sure you can swim.

―Swahili Proverb

Paris Bridge
Pont Marie, Paris.

Everyone speaks well of the bridge which carries him over. ―Anon

Hohenzollernbrücke, Cologne.

Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge.

—Stephen Levine

Kapellbrücke, Lucerne.

If you are good at building bridges, you will never fall into the abyss!
―Mehmet Murat ildan

Sharing with Weekly Photo Challenge: Bridge

The Earth

Betaab Valley
Where the trees, mountains, and the sky are in harmony

Where the animals can live in peace 

Where the rivers can stay pure

Where the flowers still laugh

This is what makes the earth…Hope we bring back peace and harmony on our planet.

Happy Earth day

Sharing with Weekly Photo Challenge: Earth

All the above pictures are taken in various parts of Kashmir. Sadly, Kashmir is going through a very difficult time. But, the time will pass. Even though terror might seem powerful, its hold is momentary; love, on the other hand, reigns forever.